
Showing posts from January 29, 2021

Variant Strains

Living Beyond Covid The Immune System In 2003, the first version of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)/COVID appeared. Since then a few other strains have been found and evolved at some point resulting in an infectious response within the human body. Only in 2019, a novel or new version of SARS/COVID was found among the population that caused issues upon exposure and infection. At the current time, the vast majority of the population has already been exposed to this strain of the COVID-19 virus, similar to the situation with SARS I in 2003. In addition, an effective vaccine for the novel COVD-19 strain should be sufficient to protect for some time, due to the current genetic evolution history of the COVID/SARS virus. Covid END The Covid situation has ended. Herd immunity is in effect. There are no health mandates necessary at the current time. It is safe to resume all regular activities.

Immune System Mass Exposure

  Living Beyond Covid The Immune System The human immune system operates on the element of exposure to unknown elements. Looking at the case example of how mass exposure is created when it comes to a virus, the grocery store can be used. For example, in this scenario going to the grocery store to pick up food is perfectly safe. Being in a crowded place with a lot of people touching items that many other people have touched before, creates an environment of heavy levels of cross contamination and spread for germs, bacteria, and viruses. This means that the people in the grocery store are most likely being exposed to any elements there. Once exposed to the virus, a person cannot be exposed again or in threat of further infection from the same virus. Therefore, If you have been to a grocery store and been fine, good news you can go everywhere else as well. Covid END The Covid situation has ended. Herd immunity is in effect. There are no health mandates necessary at the current time. I...

Covering Hands, Neck, Head

Living Beyond Covid The Immune System Coverage of the head, neck, and hands with warm appropriate material leads to the necessary protection for warmth, in order to avoid temperature fluctuations, leading to a more effective immune system. Covid END The Covid situation has ended. The vast majority of the population has been exposed to the virus. Herd immunity is in effect. There are no health mandates necessary at the current time. This includes closures, social distancing, & required facial coverage. It is safe to resume all regular activities.

Observing Animals

Beyond Covid The Immune System Observing nature and animals in their natural habitat can be used as a technique to improve the overall functioning of the immune system by reducing the inflammatory response within the human body. In addition to providing a source for the consumption of oxygen. This can lead to a higher capability to fight respiratory related infections in addition to other health ailments. Covid END The Covid situation has ended. Herd immunity is in effect. There are no health mandates necessary at the current time. It is safe to resume all regular activities.

Liquid Toxins

Living Beyond Covid The Immune System Consumption of all alcoholic beverages leads to the detriment of the functionality of a wide variety of systems within the human body including the immune system. Alcohol is a toxin that damages the interior of the human body. Covid END The Covid situation has ended. Herd immunity is in effect. There are no health mandates necessary at the current time. It is safe to resume all regular activities.

Health Matters

Living Beyond Covid The Immune System Unnecessary revelation of private health matters can result in a counterproductive measure regarding the overall benefit towards the immune system. It is advisable to refrain from discussing private health matters publicly. Support groups, qualified professionals, and legal confidants are appropriate individuals to disclose health related information with. Covid END The Covid situation has ended. Herd immunity is in effect. There are no health mandates necessary at the current time. It is safe to resume all regular activities.